This fall is gonna be all about Tie Clips

...but I was so determined to get this out that I just kept blogging. Anyway, I was downtown today when I got a my Men.Style.com email about the new J. Crew men's store opening. And when I get a message from Men.Style.com telling me to do something, you better believe I'm gonna drop everything and do it.
So I headed to the store. I neglected to read that it opens tomorrow, so they wouldn't let me in. But I did take a look, and met some nice people. One guy let me take his picture - he's sketched here. His name is Jack O'Toole, which I swear must be a name they gave him when they hired him (the O'Toole Pant. The Jack Shirt).
A punk club turns into a men's store. A liquor store turns into...Anyway, I gotta hand it to Mickey Drexler, the guy is a merchant who knows product, knows his customer, and what to give him.
Here's my travelogue-blog...